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Global Teacher Grants offer opportunities for alumni of Teacher Exchanges to catalyze their efforts as teacher leaders, develop professionally, and affect positive change in their schools and communities. Recipients of Global Teacher Grants use the funding, in addition to the resources, skills, and networks that they acquired during their exchanges, to benefit their students, colleagues, administrators, and communities.

The grants are sponsored annually by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) with funding provided by the U.S. Government and administered by IREX.


Eligible alumni will receive and email from the Fulbright Teacher Exchanges team when Global Teacher Grant applications are open.

  • October – November: Applications for Global Teacher Grants are typically accepted in October - November.  Teacher Exchange alumni will receive an email notifying them of the opportunity to apply.
  • January: Successful applicants will be notified in January, and the first disbursement of funds issued shortly thereafter.
  • January – July: Awardees typically have between January and July to complete their project and submit a final report. 

Award Amount

Global Teacher Grant award amounts vary, but typically up to $3,000 is available for individual applicants and up to $5,000 for teams of Teacher Exchange alumni submitting a joint proposal.

Successful Projects

In 2023 – 2024, 41 projects were funded in 21 countries around the world.