Dr. Andrea Dinan is a high school teacher who works in the counseling department at Princeton Public Schools in Princeton, New Jersey, where she oversees the community service program for over 400 students. Service-Learning and assisting under resourced families have been her passions for 25 years and inspired her Fulbright research on strategies and resources for academic success of low-income students in Mexico. During her Fulbright Teacher Exchange to Mérida, Mexico in 2015-2016, Andrea developed a partnership with a special high school which targets low-income families and infuses service-learning into the curriculum. Her Fulbright project enabled her to design a welcome center for English Language Learners at her own school in New Jersey, consult with a refugee school in her county, and continue to collaborate with her Mexican colleagues annually through an English Language Camp in Mérida, with the support of Rotary International. She has also presented at national conferences on best practices for supporting unaccompanied minors and students with limited or interrupted formal education. Reflecting on her exchange experience, Andrea says "My Fulbright experience in Mexico provided valuable insights into innovative educational approaches, particularly in the context of distance learning in secondary schools and community-based educational initiatives.”
Dr. Andrea Dinan is an alum of the 2015-2016 Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Research Program, United States to Mexico.